Understanding relationships around us through relationship map exercise

Overcomers are the young adolescents who have lost one or both parents belonging to our center. This month meeting was indeed a special moment for young people to reflect on the relationships around them through an activity called Relationship Map. For the young people it provided opportunity for them to unburden some of the strong negative relationships that affect them and at the same time gain confidence in relationships that support them.

For one girl, her widowed mother is an inspiration in setting higher goals for her life.
For a boy, his uncle and the regular overcomers group has been his strength.

This activity clearly reflected that children are in need of role models for their life. They are looking for a friend, for a brother/sister, an uncle or aunty or someone they can rely and learn to steer their life. For some children, the relationship map activity also helped them remember some of the lost ones who had been part of their relationships and the values that had been built in them.
This exercise is very vital especially for young adolescents to learn from the relationships around them. On one side it builds confidence from positive relationships and on the other side the negative relationships may affect the child’s self –esteem and respect. This in turn may result in making wrong choices. Thus this activity helps the adolescents to analyse their relationships by themselves and choose to be with right kind of friends and people around.

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