Buds Graduation Scholarship Support

But with support from Buds of Christ, she was encouraged to
continue her education. One year before her sister (23 years) was married off,
and the pressure came again on Gowri to get married who was doing her 12th to
discontinue her studies. But with timely intervention from Buds of Christ she
has been able to continue her school studies.
Now that she has completed her
12th grade, her mother wanted her
married, as the marriage proposals were coming with a bride price. But
Gowri's interest is to become a teacher. When she expressed her interest and
her firmness in going against her mother's plan, there was no support in her
family. Even her older sister's family were forcing her for marriage. But in
the midst of all these challenges she has been firm and approached Buds of
Christ for meeting the educational needs under the Buds Graduation Scholarship
She has even applied for government managed hostel
for stay as she feels there would be pressure for marriage again from the
family. Gowri boldly says today that the challenges that she face is actually
making her stronger and assertive.
There are many
young girls like Gowri, who have no free choices to enter college. Often the
girls are pressurised for early marriages with older men or sent for work. We
realised unless education support is provided till their graduation and
followed up actively, girls like Gowri are not able to continue their studies
and are vulnerable to the trap of child marriage and poverty.