Ensuring access to sponsorship scheme for orphan children from Government
It has been a wonderful opportunity for 40 orphan children to
avail the benefit for social security under the Sponsorship Program from the Namakkal
district collector through the Integrated Child Protection Scheme. Orphan
children under the care of extended
families were referred to the District Child Protection Unit through Buds of Christ.
After due verification process by the committee, 25 of our children have been
supported with the monthly amount of Rs 2000
for next 3 years. This is given directly into the beneficiaries bank/post
office account and is primarily to be used for the children's education,
nutrition and wellbeing.
For the families that have received the support, it gives an
additional support and encouragement to ensure children, especially girls are
sent to school and greater benefit for orphan children affected by lifelong illnesses to receive better care.
For instance in the case of Anushya and Tirumalini, orphan
and child suffering from lifelong illness; this support from the government will help the grandmother
provide better care, otherwise the family is dependent on the grandfather's
income which is very less and occasional.
In the case of Poomani a widow woman, whose living wage is doing maid work, the benefit ensures
better care for her son who is on treatment for kidney problem and her two
daughters for their education.
This has been possible with the active representation in
presenting the issues of orphan children and children with lifelong illnesses by
Mr. Jeyapaul, the founder director of Buds of Christ who was a member in the
Sponsorship Approval Committee in Namakkal district under the leadership of the
district collector.